Use Vidsy’s platform overlay guides 😎


When you work on a Vidsy Remix brief, we’ll provide you with overlay guides for your After Effects project. These will help you ensure your animations and key messaging aren’t covered by the platform user interface when the advert goes live.

Here’s everything you need to know:



What are Overlay Guides?

With Vidsy Remix briefs, overlay guides are embedded in the project files we give you. They help you identify where the User Interface for the platform may interfere with your motion graphics.

Using the safe space and the danger zones to your advantage will help you ensure nothing gets in the way of delivering your key message effectively.



The Safe Space

The safe space is the area where no platform overlays will cover your motion graphics. This area should be used to feature the key visual elements and messaging within your content.

  • Key visual elements – these are things that we need audiences to see, like products, or a logo or CTA (call to action) within an endcard. 

  • Messaging – messaging needs to be legible within the safe space.



The Danger Zone

The danger zone is the area where the platform’s UI would cover any motion graphics. This area still needs to be nicely designed, however, as your viewer can still see the details through the interface. For that reason, you can still include:

  • Graphical elements – keep it nicely designed for visual impact, and don’t be afraid to transition your content through the danger zone itself to reach the safe space.

  • Terms & Conditions – keep the boring stuff tucked out of the way 😉

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