Why do I receive invitations to Remix briefs after the selection date has passed?

Your questions answered

Your questions answered •


What’s the selection date?

The “selection date” is the day Vidsy invites creators to view the full brief and get started.

Where can I find the selection date?

When you apply to a brief, the selection date is clearly outlined on the application page next to the APPLY NOW button.



Why do I receive briefs after the selection date has passed?

If a creator declines an invitation to a Remix brief, we automatically invite the next creator in-line.

If you’re the next creator in-line, this means you could receive an invitation to a brief a day or two after the advertised selection date.

You could even receive an invitation to the brief on the day of the deadline.

Anything important I should know?

We recommend double-checking the deadline for every brief you’re invited to, just in-case it’s closer than you expected.

We’re choosing to operate in this way to ensure we always provide the maximum number of paid opportunities for creators. You will always have the option to accept or decline the brief.


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