Community Hub
We want you to excel in a digital world! Navigate the challenges of your career with inspiration and experience from around the creative industry - articles and videos by the Vidsy HQ team
Why do I receive invitations to Remix briefs after the selection date has passed?
Ever received a brief invitation that’s closer to the deadline than you expected? Here’s everything you need to know.
🔊Sound power: Building anticipation using audio
When it comes to creating and sharing dynamic content that engages audiences, it’s all about capturing the viewer’s attention and stopping them from scrolling away. Usually, content creators focus on the visuals - and rightly so - but there’s is a lot of power in the use of audio to build anticipation.
5 After Effects Tips to Speed Up Your Workflow
Are you looking to enhance your efficiency in After Effects for Vidsy Briefs? Here are five handy tips to streamline your workflow and save time:
Ensure high quality audio in your content 🔊
Audio has a huge impact on the quality and success of your video. Here are our top tips to getting it right.