Top Tips to Improve Your Remix Portfolio 📈


Portfolio •

Technical skills–check! Creative execution–check! Experience tackling complex briefs–check! You’re ready to make your mark. So how do you nail that digital pitch, create the perfect portfolio and land gigs, including your (all-important) first one with Vidsy ✨

The Vidsy team have worked with thousands of creators, and we see hundreds of new portfolios every month. With that wealth of experience, we’ve put together a handy guide to crafting the perfect website to host your portfolio. It’s time to stand out from the crowd...

The foundations 🏗

A clear structure is the foundation of a great portfolio. There are fundamentals that every client comes to expect when they’re scouring portfolios looking for their next star.

Here are some essential sections you should consider including in your portfolio:


Consider this the beating heart of your portfolio ❤️. The key is selecting past work that prioritises quality over quantity and showcases your creative excellence at its core. Always link to this page first and foremost so clients don’t need to search for it, and ensure it’s easily accessible through a clearly defined menu for anyone who stumbles across your site through a different route.

Separate your skills into different sections within your work page. For instance, put all your motion graphics work in a motion graphics section. If you specialise in illustration, 3D, or VFX, highlight those in separate sections. While having multiple skills is advantageous, differentiating between your talents prevents them from becoming muddled in the client’s eyes. This technique of labelling everything will also aid your chances of discovery through organic search.

Bring life your work with titles and descriptions. We’re talking about how–and why–you created your work. What was your objective and how did you achieve your goals? What were the complexities of the brief? How did you tackle the challenges within the brief? What inspired you? Anything you’re particularly proud of?

A great showreel is probably the best way to visually showcase your work and wow prospective clients (we discuss what makes a great showreel a little further down). It’s also beneficial to showcase a diverse range of projects and brands you’ve collaborated with to highlight your experience, versatility, and expertise in different niches.

Treat the homepage of your work like a library: all cover images and titles. You don’t need to go into great detail straight away; just choose a visually engaging capture of each project that entices the client to click through and learn more. If you worked with a brand, include their name in the title. This will give potential clients a fantastic overview of your style as well as a general overview of your experience.


This is your chance to show some personality. Think of it as a less-formal application cover letter, an opportunity to drive home your talent and experience. Talk about your journey into your chosen profession, what drives and inspires you, and what kind of projects you enjoy working on.

If a client likes your work, the way you present yourself here could seal the deal. Don’t be afraid to include a little personal information, like hobbies, and maybe even a friendly picture. After all, it’s nice to remind people that they’re working with people, which is easy to forget in the digital world.


Email address. Email address. Email address.

Set up a form to capture potential client information too, if you’d like, but always display your email address. Too many creatives opt for a single form in order to protect their email, and this can act as a barrier for some clients.

IMPORTANT: It’s vital that you obtain permission from your client before sharing work publicly on your portfolio. You don’t want to steal a brand’s thunder by sharing content before they’ve gone live with a campaign. Check out Vidsy’s usage rights here:

What are we looking for from a Remix creator?

Looking to secure your first Remix brief with Vidsy? Here are the key fundamentals that we look for in our Remix creators:

Confident Using Adobe After Effects. Proficiency with this essential tool is a must.

Visual Storytelling. Skilled at editing and weaving together a compelling story.

Creative Excellence. Talented in bringing still assets to life with dynamic and clear motion.

Versatility. Demonstrates the ability to adapt and create content across various formats, platforms, and themes.

Social Expertise. Knowledgeable about creating for social media, understanding best practices, safe zones, and how to infuse dynamism into content.

Psst! Be sure to incorporate these skillsets within your portfolio/link that you include upon your Vidsy application.

The perfect showreel 🎞️

“Perfect” is a bold statement, but we’re feeling powerful.  Creating a showreel of your greatest work is a surefire way to highlight your skills in attention-grabbing style and make an immediate impact with clients. The trick is to treat it as its own video, not just a collection of shots. This is your chance to really show your creative colours.

Get straight to the action. Forget the slow introduction screen with “My Showreel 2024” overlays. We know what we’re watching. Hook your audience immediately by keeping things punchy and starting with your best work.

Audio. Never understimate the power of a great backing track. Great audio can really elevate a showreel. Match the edit to the beats, taking things up a level and enhancing the viewer’s experience.

Show a wide variety of techniques. Show of a load of different projects (e.g. 2D, 3D, camera-tracking, rotoscoping, editing etc.) and ensure each skill is clearly portrayed.

Show off a little bit. Treat your showreel like an advert. Edit your showreel to music, establishing a pace and rhythm that fits together perfectly. Allow for moments that surprise and delight, such as comedic pauses or twists.

Leave the client wanting more. Length is a tough one to get right. Around one to one-and-a-half minutes is perfect. Too short, and it’ll be overwhelming, too long and the impact will waver. End your showreel with a bang and the client won’t forget you anytime soon.

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