How do I ensure my videos are good enough? 🎨

Best practice

Best practice •


Creating killer CGC content is no mean feat. That’s why we’ve compiled all our top tips for creating engaging content with Vidsy.

Work In-Line With Internal Processes ✅

At Vidsy, things can work a little differently. The best thing is to familarise yourself with our ‘quirks’ before you start working on our briefs. Here are 10 simple ways to work in-line with our internal processes.

Brands and intellectual property

There should be no brands or intellectual property featured in your videos. Period 💅

Take a good look at every frame, background included! Double-check for any brand logos or names on clothing and in the backdrop—keep an eye out for posters or artwork.

There are a few things that you need to avoid when filming because of licensing issues. You can see the full list here.

What software should I shoot and edit with?

Overall, we’re not super fussy where you choose to shoot/edit your footage. There are loads of great free and paid apps, including CapCut, Premier Pro and In-shot.

✅ We very much welcome shooting on your phone. However, we do ask that you film in 25 FPS and at 1080p. You can learn more about our resolution requirements here.

❌ DO NOT use Instagram or TikTok to film your content - videos filmed on these platforms have overlays/branded elements baked into the exported videos so you MUST NOT use them to film your production.

Keep things natural

Being comfortable in front of camera is an essential step in becoming an engaging speaker in your videos, but that’s easier said than done! Here’s some tips on how to speak comfortably in front of the camera.

Get inspired!

Facing a creative slump? Been there, done that! The key to reigniting and nurturing your creative ideas is to venture beyond the confines of your space. Dive into TikTok's or Meta's ad library, follow fellow creators/brands on socials, have a cheeky scroll on Pinterest —there are so many places to discover fresh inspo and see what works.

Safe zones

When producing your content you must adhere to the relevant platforms safe zones. They can be obstructive so consider these throughout your production (especially if overlays are expected to be added later).

Switch it UP

Switching up your outfits and locations is a great way to breathe new life into your content, especially if you’ve worked on multiple briefs at Vidsy.

✅ Try to experiment with a couple of wardrobe changes throughout your videos.
❌ Avoid always filming in the same location, especially if it's easily recognisable, like a distinct patterned wallpaper.

Resolution & quality

At Vidsy, we very much welcome shooting on your phone. However, we do ask that you film in 25 FPS and at 1080p.

Adjust this in your phone’s settings > camera > record video. Set to 1080 HD & 25 FPS with HDR turned OFF.

Please ensure you send high-quality versions of your video footage. Do not use Whatsapp or apps that downgrade quality when transferring videos to your computer.

You can learn more about our resolution requirements here.


If recording audio within your submission, make sure that it's balanced (ideally MONO>STEREO) and crystal clear (no background noise!)

For voice overs, make sure your microphone is clear and record the VO in a quiet place. We recommend recording with a blanket over your head for perfect audio and no echo.

If talking directly to the camera, make sure you speak well; feel free to use a microphone!


Lighting is what differentiates a bad piece of content from a good one.

You should always try and use natural lighting, film near a large window, or even outdoors. Avoid filming in direct sunlight because it can overexpose the video and do not film at night – unless the content demands it.

Investing in a ring-light can help brighten up your videos even more! Dark, poorly lit videos are more difficult to edit and can be unusable.


Your filming location should align with the product you’re using and be mostly distraction-free. But please be mindful of shooting within private property, if you do then you'll need to provide a signed location release form with your delivery.

You can read more about location filming do’s and don’t here.


What happens when I accept my first brief? ✨


How do I apply to my first brief? 🙋‍♀️