How do I deliver my content to Vidsy 📦


Submission •


When you work with Vidsy, it’s imperative that you follow our submission process. For CGC, we require legal forms, clean versions of your videos and any additional content you may have filmed. Here’s everything you need to know.

The low-down

Once you submit your final videos, our internal team finalises the content with motion graphics, overlays, and transitions. For this reason, we ask you to submit a supporting files folder alongside your final edited content.

Prepare Your Supporting Files

Please submit your supporting files within the file structure provided as a .zip (this is found in the downloadable asset pack). 

We'll provide you with a structured folder, to which you'll add your supporting files, that consist of: 

  1. Clean Edit

  2. Footage Used in the Edits

  3. Separate audio/voice overs files (other than what was provided by Vidsy)

This helps keep things nice and organised for our team during curation.

What are clean edits?

A Clean Edit is a exact duplicate version of your final video, with NO:

  • Background music

  • Onscreen text

  • Graphic overlays/visuals. 

Clean dits are the most vital part of the CGC submission process (even more so than your final videos!). This empowers our internal team to seamlessly implement changes and edit your content, ensuring a hassle-free experience on your end and keeping Vidsy amends at bay!

What are RAW files?

The video clips that you used in your final videos. As well as any additional clips you want to include.

Release forms

When you work on a CGC brief with Vidsy, you’ll need to electronically sign two types of legal form, which grant Vidsy the right to feature your performer and location in the content.

The two types of release forms are:

1. A Performer Release Form

2. A Location Release Form

Watch our short video for an overview on how to sign and send your legal forms to Vidsy.

How do I send Vidsy my content?

Once you’ve accepted the brief, you’ll gain access to a Submission page on our Creator Platform, which you can reach by clicking ‘Submit Files’.

You can only upload content from your desktop, not your mobile. Head into the 'full brief' to find the upload button.

On this page you’ll be able to upload your final videos and send us any supporting content.

Upload Everything to the Platform

Hit Submit Files on your active brief page to take you to the Submission Page.

  1. Upload your final edited videos

  2. Upload the zipped Supporting Files folders

  3. Read T&Cs and hit Submit Files!

Hit submit!

Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom and hit the Submit button to send your videos to Vidsy. Once you’ve done this, you’ll lose access to the brief, so please make sure you’ve completed all the steps.


What’s the deal with payments? 💸


What happens when I accept my first brief? ✨