New on Vidsy’s Creator Platform: Recommended Videos! 🥳

We’re excited to announce a new feature for your previous briefs. It’s called Recommended Videos, and it lets you see the strongest videos from all the creator submissions for each brief you work on.

Here’s everything you need to know:

What are Recommended Videos?

On every campaign, Vidsy works with multiple creators at the same time, producing a diverse range of videos across multiple creative concepts.

After all the videos are submitted, the Vidsy team works together to draw up a diverse shortlist that showcases the best videos from each concept.

We call this shortlist Recommended Videos, and it’s these videos that we spotlight to the client as part of our creative process.

How can Recommended Videos help me?

Ever wondered how another creator may have interpreted the brief? Now you can see exactly that! Recommended Videos allows you to watch the strongest videos from other creators on your brief. We hope that, by seeing the variety of different interpretations and creative ideas, this will help you learn from and inspire each other for future work.

Videos that make our Recommended Videos shortlist are also guaranteed a bonus payment.

Where can I find Recommended Videos?

You can now access the shortlist for any of your previous briefs by heading to the Previous Briefs tab and clicking on any individual project. Your previous brief information will be separated into each video concept (Video 1, Video 2, Video 3 etc.) and you’ll be able to see both your own and other creators’ work.

If the red “Recommended” tag is featured on your video, it means we’ve included your video in the Recommended Videos shortlist.

Note: Recommended Videos will only activate for a brief 5+ days after the submission deadline.

How do I improve my chances of being featured in Recommended Videos?

Recommended videos are usually those with the strongest creativity, execution and organisation. Head over to our Creator Hub to learn the key fundamentals you should focus on to improve your chances of being included in our Recommended Videos shortlist:

I'm a Remix Creator!

🎥 I'm a CGC Creator!

Already seen this feature?

If you’re thinking, “I already had this”, it’s because you were part of a small test group. Over this year, we analysed creator activity and feedback to ensure we released something that was truly helpful for all creators. Thank you for being part of that group!

And while we’re toasting, we’d like to raise a glass to Matt and Kess from Team Vidsy for bringing this feature to life. Cheers! 🍻

👉 Head to your Previous Briefs page to see Recommended Reels in action.

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