Elevate your creative

These key fundamentals will take your CGC content to the next level.



Get your audio and lighting right

Lighting and audio are the foundations of a great video. Watch our guide to getting the fundamentals right, and then you can focus on what you do best: creativity.


Master the art of speaking on camera

There’s nothing more compelling in video content than a friendly face talking directly to the camera. Here’s where you should focus to ensure you deliver dialogue authentically, and in an engaging way.


Bring your content to life

When you work with Vidsy, we’ll often ask you to create more than one video using similar themes or creative routes. Using a variety of locations, props and outfits to your advantage can ensure your content stays fresh.


Follow Vidsy’s production rules

The content you create must adhere to some pretty firm guidelines. It varies from brief to brief, and we’ll outline them for you each time, but it’s worth familiarising yourself with the basics below.

Extra Resources:

Vidsy’s creator platform, process and overall experience is a unique one. From applying to briefs with a single click to guaranteed payment for every brief, discover how Vidsy fits together: