
Submission •

How Vidsy Works
Submission 📓

Where can I find the deadline?

Brief deadlines are detailed for each individual brief prior to application.

Once you’re invited to a specific brief, you can review the deadline on the Intro page, within the header section, before confirming your acceptance.

How do I send Vidsy my content?

Once you’ve accepted the brief, you’ll gain access to a Submission page on our Creator Platform, which you can reach by clicking ‘Submit Files’.

On this page you’ll be able to upload your final videos and send us any supporting content.

As well as my final videos, what else do you need from me?

For Remix briefs, we require a fully organised After Effects project.

For CGC, we require legal forms, clean versions of your videos and any additional content you may have filmed.

You can upload this content via a Dropbox link provided on the platform.

What happens if I miss the deadline?

We’ll send you an automated email from if you miss the deadline. It’s important that you reply to this immediately, providing as much information as possible.

Vidsy’s internal process moves quickly, and we can’t always accept late submissions.

Extra Resources:

Vidsy’s creator platform, process and overall experience is a unique one. From applying to briefs with a single click to guaranteed payment for every brief, discover how Vidsy fits together: