Remix Resource
TikTok Toolkit 🔥
This resource has been created by Allan 🏴
New TikTok Toolkit version 3 available!
What is the TikTok Toolkit extension?
The Vidsy TikTok Toolkit is a CEP Extension for After Effects that allows the user to create native looking TikTok text from within the After Effects interface.
Although scripts and extensions in After Effects can’t perform any tasks that the user couldn’t do themselves with a mouse or keyboard. Script/Extensions can perform 100s of these tasks in the blink of an eye!
Meaning with one click the Vidsy TikTok Toolkit can:
Create text layers.
Apply character styles.
Apply stroke styles.
Create shape layers.
Resize shape layers.
Set shape colors.
Set corner roundness.
Apply FX.
Download Vidsy’s TikTok Toolkit
How do I install the Toolkit?
Download the Toolkit.
Install a ZXP installer, which will allow you to install the Toolkit. Here are some ZXP installers available to download:
https://zxpinstaller.comInstall the Toolkit with your ZXP installer.
Restart After Effects. The extension will be located in Window - Extensions.
Please also ensure you install the five TikTok fonts supplied with the Vidsy TikTok Toolkit, otherwise the script won’t work effectively.
How does it work?
The Vidsy TikTok Toolkit is simple to use:
Type / Paste your text in the top box.
Select one of the 11 TikTok Fonts.
Select one of the four TikTok character styles.
Select one of the 16 TikTok colors.
The input box doubles as a preview window.*
Click Create.
A text layer (and shape layer if a box style has been selected) matching the look you defined, will be created at the playhead on your timeline.
Text-box layers are parented to their accompanying text layer and include expressions on their size and position properties which allow the text-box to automatically re-size to fit any text changes.
* The preview is only meant to be a rough guide.
Since the preview is styled in CSS it may not look the same as the generated text/shape layers which will be more accurate than the preview.
Extra Resources:
Vidsy’s creator platform, process and overall experience is a unique one. From applying to briefs with a single click to guaranteed payment for every brief, discover how Vidsy fits together: