How mobile UI is impacting ad-creative ✨

Marketing to Gen-Z? Listen up. A generation that can’t imagine a time without smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc. Their lines of communication? Email, SMS, social media. Mobile devices have changed the way this generation consumes content—so much so that mobile user interface (UI) is even trickling into ad-creative in order to get a look in. Our Creative Lead, Milly Greenslade shares.

1. Tone of voice

Gen-Z created a new language, reflecting their familiarity with the digital space they were born into. It includes acronyms, abbreviations, slang and emojis. Incorporating this into your copy and ad-creative can keep it feeling 100% native to the Gen-Z market and the social platforms they live on. 

Remember the good ol’ saying, ‘Don’t make Ads, make TikTok’s? If you want to be seen by this generation, your ad creative needs to speak their language. 

I LOVE these examples from Ryanair and Little Moons! Abbreviations such as POV (point of view) or Omw (on my way) help to speak to a Gen-Z audience with little effort!


2. Notifications

This generation’s body clock practically runs on notifications. Reminders, calenders, alarms are all accessed in one place; their smartphones.  Incorporate notification styling into your ad-creative to speak, alert and feel native to Gen-Z audiences. This works particularly well with call-to-actions!

3. Text messages

Mimicking text messages in your ad-creative can be a great way to spark the relatability and human touch of your content. Remember, Gen-Z love brands that feel relatable, and this is such an easy way to achieve that result. It can also help creators converse without the need for additional talent!

Remember Gen Z are digital natives—meaning they’ve never known a world without smartphones. The majority of their conversations being had over text!

Here’s a really great example of using text messages in your ad-creative from Isle of Paradise to achieve a less polished and more authentic product launch! Organic, un-staged and un-filtered. 

4. Emojis 😊🥰📣⚡️✨

The hieroglyphics of Gen-Z. Using emojis makes your brand seem less corporate and more human. Gen Z wants to do business with brands they can relate to. Emojis are a natural part of their conversations with friends and self-expression on social media. They recognise and trust brands that follow suit.  

Gen-Z use tiny images to express big emotions! If used effectively emojis can add tone, humor, and emotion to your ad-creative. Just don’t go overboard!

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