Film in the correct resolution and frame rate

Frame Rates

Frame Rates •

There’s an optimal resolution and frame rate when creating content for social media.

The essential info

Resolution - Prioritise filming in 1080p HD. Filming in 4K is OK too, but be aware that your final video may be a little larger in size. The video upload on Vidsy’s platform is capped at 200mb.

Frame Rate - Please film in 25 FPS.

✅ Filming in 1080p HD/4K and 25 FPS will help Vidsy’s internal team with the editing process. It improves the effectiveness of audio syncing and motion graphics techniques such as rotoscoping, and ensures we don’t run into any pixelation issues.

If you’re using an iPhone, you can change these settings by going into settings, selecting the camera app, then enabling PAL formats and selecting 1080p HD at 25fps or 4K at 25fps.

Other considerations

Here are some other key ways to improve your filming excellence:

✅ Turn on your camera grid
This will help you think of your composition when filming. Ever heard of rule of thirds? This will help.

✅ Select preserve settings and turn on camera mode
This will automatically save this option for when you film the next video.

✅ Scroll down and turn off HDR video
The HDR video setting can make your image slightly over-contrasted, especially when the video is exported to social media platforms.

✅ You can film in 4K
If you’d like you can film in 4k, just consider file sizes when editing. A lot of your videos ads will be compressed anyway if they get uploaded to social platforms as ads.


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