How do I deliver my content to Vidsy? 📦


Submission •


When you work with Vidsy, it’s imperative that you follow our submission process. For Remix briefs, we require a fully organised After Effects project. Here’s everything you need to know.

The low-down

Once you submit your videos, our in-house creative team handle any amends with the brand. To ensure we can make quick edits, we need your AE files to follow a set structure.

Organising your After Effects files

Please organise your After Effects project with the following in mind:

  1. Name all of your layers accordingly, and keep them nice and trimmed down.

  2. Avoid external assets e.g. stock imagery and plug-ins.

  3. Use the Text Animator tool when applicable.

  4. Keep all of your assets organised on the project panel. 

  5. Keep pre-comps to a minimum. 

  6. Use the reduce project tool.

Watch this video to see exactly what we need from your After Effects file.

This helps keep things nice and organised for our team during curation.

How do I send Vidsy my content?

Once you’ve accepted the brief, you’ll gain access to a Submission page on our Creator Platform, which you can reach by clicking ‘Submit Files’.

You can only upload content from your desktop, not your mobile. Head into the 'full brief' to find the upload button.

On this page you’ll be able to upload your final videos and send us any supporting content.

Upload Everything to the Platform

Hit Submit Files on your active brief page to take you to the Submission Page.

Drag and drop your final videos into the correct upload box (video 1 into the box entitled Video 1, for example).

When you export your final videos, please ensure your content ticks the following boxes:

✅ File type: .mov or .mp4
✅ Codec: H.264
✅ File size: <200mb

After uploading your videos, you’ll find an “Upload Supporting Files” button. Click this and upload your AE Project to the Dropbox request link.

Hit submit!

Don’t forget to scroll to the bottom and hit the Submit button to send your videos to Vidsy. Once you’ve done this, you’ll lose access to the brief, so please make sure you’ve completed all the steps.


How to organise your work for upload 🗂


Structure your submission folder effectively 📁